Part 2 of 10 things to improve your self esteem…
6. Volunteer in Your Community: In Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda, there are a number of organizations that are always looking thankfully to community volunteers. This is by far one of the finest ways to build self-esteem. When you help others, you actually help yourself.
7. Learn a new skill in a challenging field of interest: There are a number of programs available through the community centers locally that offer drawing and painting classes and dance classes at reasonable rates. You can take online classes, some even for free. Do what you like and build on your current skills… That builds self-esteem.
8. Go for a Nature Walk: We are so fortunate living in South Florida to have a number of nature walks and/or shallow water estuaries available. Some with guided tours and some with downloadable information. At Ponce de Leon Park, you have a nice boardwalk along with a bird sanctuary… I wonder if they need any volunteers?
9. Increase Exercise in small increments: A simple way to DETOX from the stress of life and to build self-esteem is as Olivia Newton-John might say “Let’s Get Physical”… She was talking Exercise right? Hey, even if I’m wrong and that was a sexual double-entendre, “THAT” is still Exercise!
10. Find the Funny in Life: Positive effects of humor have been known throughout history. One well-known proverb refers to “A joyful heart is good medicine.” A good sense of humor helps patients to have more positive thoughts, emotions, and behavior. According to many doctor’s “humor is the best medicine!” Laughter releases endorphins that can help numb pain receptor’s temporarily easing and/or reducing pain. Humor can also strengthen the immunity, alleviates pain, reduces anxiety, lessens emotional stress, relaxes muscular tension, and inspires creative thinking and builds hope. Of course, positive humor can build self-esteem. Avoid humor that diminishes self-esteem, such as superiority humor- making fun of other people for a laugh or negative humor that tends to draw down the spirit. Focus on things that make you feel good, and feel free to laugh.
Learning to look for the positives in ourselves and others can lead to peaceful interaction and harmony. We can stop and take notice of the good. We can stop and notice the positive things we have going on in our lives. Circumstances and unforeseen events beyond our control do not determine our self-worth.
These are my top 10 ideas for building self-esteem: what are yours?
Chato Stewart Consumer Peer Ambassador