New CBHC Blogger
It is our pleasure to announce the addition of a blogger to Charlotte Behavioral Health Care. Please join us in welcoming Chato Stewart to the CBHC family!
Chato Stewart is a husband, father of four and mental health advocate. He is an artist and the cartoonist behind the Mental Health Humor cartoons. He creates positive, provoking, and sometimes even funny cartoons! The cartoons are drawn from his personal experience of living with Bipolar Disorder and living with it via his cartoon series The family Stew & Over-Medicated.
Mr. Chato Stewart strongly believes that there is power behind humor. His motto is humor gives help, hope and healing. His goal and mission is to tap into humor and use it as a positive tool to cope with the serious and debilitating effects of mental illness.
Chato started blogging in 2008 as part of his Mental Health Humor Project. His cartoons have been used by many in the mental health community newsletters, magazines, newspapers and even a collage work study book! Currently he is blogging on Psych Central Network (the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health social network Since 1995), BP Hope Magazine, and a host of other peer advocate organization offering his own Words of The Wisdomless or Doing Stand-Up comedy (you’ll have to Google that).
Welcome Chato Stewart! Our Consumer Ambassador!
Used with Permission by Chato Stewart – Originally Posted on Psych Central