A problem area that we have seen here at Charlotte Behavioral Health Care is bullying in our schools. Charlotte Behavioral Health Care recently started our newest children’s specialty group program in June, named CAST, purchased through the generous funding of the Fred Lang Foundation. CAST (Coping and Support Training) is geared to teens who may be struggling with depression and anxiety as a result of bullying or social struggles. It became apparent to our children’s therapist and case managers that there is an inordinate amount of both male and female adolescents in this community who struggle with anxiety and depression related to bullying. There was a need to address this in a supportive group setting. These are kids from all walks of life that appear to be ok but lack the confidence needed to reach their potential. These are not the stereotypical kids you would imagine are victims of bullying. Bullying happens when one person hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over and can also happen online or electronically. Victims of bullying can internalize and become depressed, or become very angry. The CAST program is available on an ongoing basis. The program focuses on strong peer support, problem solving, improving self-esteem, school smarts, and management of anger.
Our ultimate goal at Charlotte Behavioral Health care is to continue on as a valuable resource to the Charlotte County residents and first and foremost, give help where help is needed. Lives in our county can be turned around and set onto the right path with the help of counseling, structure and the programs and services we provide. With the partnership of CBHC and the community we can give hope and continue to change lives.