Maintaining our mental well-being can be challenging for most of us.
What happened to our well-being in hard times?
We may not spend enough time or concern regarding our mental well-being. We get busy and just trying to survive or make financial ends meet, takes a lot our energy and time.
Okay, so we try to eat right and exercise regularly. How often do we consider or examine our emotional, mental well-being? All of us are multidimensional human beings. To achieve higher levels of wellness, we must consider the multidimensional aspects of our lives and habits. (Really deeply meditate about what we are doing and where we are headed aka what path are we on? A positive path of wellness?)
The key is learning healthy habits
The key is learning healthy habits and unlearning unhealthy habits. Learning to prioritize the most important things we value and putting less important things/activities in their proper place is necessary. When we live purposefully, this helps elevate our time/life from trivial/mundane pursuits like: too much time as a couch potato…to getting outside in nature and may be walking for a good cause while soaking up some Vitamin D from sunlight. Moderation is a critical component to well-being. Too much time spent in anything could cost us 1 aspect or more of our mental health.
Good health is highly valued by most of us! Sadly, we may not spend enough time or concern regarding our mental well-being. We get busy and just trying to survive or make financial ends meet, takes a lot our energy and time.
Simply put: how we manage or organize our time is how we live. We could be causing ourselves unnecessary stress and mental distress by poorly managing our time. If we spend too much time in unhealthy activities, these could be damaging to our mental, emotional, physical and well-being.
What healthy habit do you need to learn? What unhealthy habit do you need to unlearn?
Positive role-model mentors can help us much in learning to maintain our mental well-being.
Whom will encourage you in maintaining your mental well-being?
Are you seeking this person out for encouragement and counsel?
We can do it! We can unlearn unhealthy habits. We can prioritize Learning Healthy Habits!