Charlotte Behavioral Health Care accepts most major insurance, including Florida Medicaid (Beacon Health Options, Staywell/Wellcare, Cenpatico/Sunshine State), Cigna, Aetna, and United Health Care. If you have questions about how your insurance applies, please review your insurance company’s website to see what your specific policy/plan offers, or you may discuss your options by contacting our Outpatient UM Department at 941-639-8300 ext. 2250 or the Recovery Center Assistant at 941-347-6444. Payment plans and sliding scales are also available.
As of 2/1/2023, CBHC will no longer be able to accept new Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance for therapy or medication/psychiatric services. We are sorry we cannot assist you. If you are inclined to advocate on this issue, please contact your BC/BS network to request that additional CBHC licensed therapists be added to their network.
To make a payment or inquire about payment options, please contact our Finance Department at 941-639-8300 ext. 2238.