*The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates substance abuse at 65% among people with severe and persistent mental illnesses! In 2011, the comorbidity of drug addiction and mental disorders among people aged 18 or older reached 45.6 million. ~ National Survey on Drug Use and Health.“Addiction” and “Mental illness” are connected. These two words can take one down two very different pathways. The negative pathway of “Stigma” leads you far away from seeking any type of help or treatment. Lost in the sickness, you may be self-medicating just to stay sane. With all that running you will soon realize, the pathways you are taking are more like dead-ends.
Stigma, gosh, when was the last time you EVER heard of stigma helping someone?! It does just the opposite. Stigma rips apart hope and healing! Substance dependency or abuse, and mental disorders are treatable. Please, don’t let stigma stand in your pathway of a positive change…Remember, stigma is basically ignorance and prejudice. Is that our path choice?
The other choice, (pathway) is “Recovery!” It’s a positive, multifaceted trail ranging from drug abuse treatment, detox, therapy, family involvement and support networks. Yes, the trails or pathways to recovery are many. Some of us will have to travel a few altered pathways to find what works.
Recovery is a process. Mr. Jay Glynn, CEO, Charlotte Behavioral Health Care says:
“It is critical that people experiencing mental and/or substance use disorders receive the support they need from the community. The reality is that behavioral health is essential to health, prevention works, treatment is effective and people recover.”